Do I need to invest a certain amount of money to work with you?

Not at all!

I started this business to make financial advice more accessible, instead of just those who have money available to invest.

Clients accounts are on a fee-based structure with no commissions. Keep it simple!

I Don’t live in the area, do you work virtually?

I have clients all over Pennsylvania and in various parts of the U.S., and we work together through email, google meet, or over the phone. I understand that clients are very busy and sometimes hoping on a video call is the best option.

How are you compensated? how much will I be charged?

I am an independent financial advisor so I have no quotas to meet or earnings to hit for Wall Street. I am paid only by my clients. I receive no compensation from anyone other than my clients. This allows me to truly have your best interest at heart. I have no incentives to recommend any investments or financial plan over another that would benefit me. My incentives align with your incentives.

I have set up the business to be a flat-fee financial advising business. This flat monthly fee is based on the assets under management with the largest fee being $50 per month.

What is a fiduciary advisor?

As a fiduciary advisory I have pledged to make recommendations with your best interest in mind, rather than my own financial benefit.